What are List Tags?

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Ordered list tag
List items are displayed using bullets.

Unordered list tag
List items are displayed using numbers.


<title>	my first web page </title></head>
<h1>list of HTML tags</h1>
<li> Header tag</li>
<li>bold tag</li>
<li> Italics tag</li>
<li>underline tag</li>
<!-- this is an example of ordered list tag--></ol>
<hr />
<h1>list of HTML tags</h1>
<li>Header tag</li>
<li>bold tag</li>
<li>Italic tag</li>
<li>underline tag</li>
<!-- this is an example of unordered list tag --></ul>

HTML code using ordered and unordered tags

Definition List
Definition list is a series of term and definition pair.


<title>html code using list tag</title>
<dt><strong> EMPTY HTML ELEMENTS</strong>
<dd>HTML elements with no content are called as empty elements.<br>
Empty elements doesnot have a closing tag.<br>
Break line tag doesnot have a closing tag.

Using image as bullets:

<title> my HTML webpage</title></head>
<ul style="list-style-image:url(https://codingmanuals.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/pi.gif);">
<li>Image code</li>
<li>Frame code</li>
<li>Form code</li>

image used as bullets

Example showing different types of bullets:

disc bullet:


<title> my HTML webpage</title></head>
<ul style="list-style-type:circle;">
<li>Image code</li>
<li>Frame code</li>
<li>Form code</li>

o Image code
o Frame code
o Form code

lower roman bullet:


<title> my HTML webpage</title></head>
<ul style="list-style-type:lower-roman;">
<li>Image code</li>
<li>Frame code</li>
<li>Form code</li>

i Image code
ii Frame code
iii Form code

Using the above code we can use different types of bullets. we just need to replace wanted bullet style as follows:
<ul style=”list-style-type:required bullet style”>
Few of the bullet styles are disc,circle,square,decimal,decimal-leading-zero,lower-roman,upper-roman,
cjk-ideographic,hiragana-iroha which are supported by google chrome.
cjk-ideographic are not supported by internet explorer.

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