HTML Color

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Colors can be applied to a Webpage using style attribute with color name as hexadecimal value of the color.

In this we can apply color to the text.
This can be done using style=”color:{color}”, where {color} is the color name.


<title> webpage using color </title></head>
<h1 style="color:red">This is an example of colored text</h1>

In this we can apply Background color to the text.
This can be done using style=”background-color:{color}”, where {color} is the color name.


<title> webpage using color </title></head>
<h1 style="background-color:red">This is an example of Background text</h1>

Border Color
To add a color border surrounding text.
This can be done using style=”border:{width} {color} {style}”, where {width} is the width of the border, {color} is the color of the border, and {style} is the style of the border.


<title> webpage using color </title></head>
<h1 style="border:1px red solid;">This is an example of Border color text</h1>

Common example:

<title> webpage using color </title></head>
<h1 style="color:red">This is an example of colored text</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:red">This is an example of Background text</h1>
<h1 style="border:1px red solid;">This is an example of Border color text</h1>

webpage using color

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